Tuesday 29 October 2013


In the last week I have listened to the BBC talk about the Roma [or often gypsies] without talking to the Roma, this all started with the BBC in R4 news stating a Greek Roma couple had been detained by for having a blond haired blue eyed girl in their purvue.
Now I don’t where the fact that they were Roma was of any interest, but the BBC also told me that this also made the McCann’s very hopeful. So you have linked the McCann’s to something without proof.
I know very little about the Roma: I know they keepthemselves to themselves; I know they have the least to do with Government beareacracy as they can; I know their rules are not our rules.
I think we have Stigmatised the Roma enough without linking them without reason to the McCann case [be ashamed of yourself @zebsoanes]

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